Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

прижигание бородавки азотом

At children defeat of a smooth leather{skin} on stops is characterized мелкопластинчатым by a peeling on an internal surface of trailer phalanxes of fingers, is $more often III and IV or there are superficial, less often deep cracks, mainly in III and IV intermanual складках or under fingers, гиперемией and мацерацией. On soles the leather{skin} can be not changed or amplified{strengthened} skin figure, is sometimes observed кольцевидное a peeling. Subjectively patients are disturbed with an itch. At children is $more often, than at adults, arise экссудативные forms of defeat with formation{education} пузырьков, becoming wet, экземоподобных the centers. They appear not only on stops, but also brushes. Подробнее...

Inflammatory process in акне is caused usually special пропионобактериями, preferring bacon as a nutrient medium. Less often акне are infected стафилококком and other activators. At maturing акне the abscess is opened; if it{he} was big on his{its} place can be generated рубцы, finally strongly spoiling appearance. Подробнее...