Мануальная терапия
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- Лор
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- Пластическая хирургия
- Стоматология
- Эндокринология
- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология


Among set of the means used for preventive maintenance and treatment of cosmetic lacks, a significant place plants which contain the substances improving exchange processes in cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, assisting in struggle against the presenilation, having, disinfectant, tonic, softening, eliminating or warning borrow{occupy} occurrence of its{her} defects, etc. Using those or other vegetative preparations, people are guaranteed against adverse influence of synthetic means. Substances contained in plants, operating in a complex, render more high-grade influence on an organism of the person. Подробнее...

Herbs in the absolute majority have passed long check by time. The cradle of cosmetics considers Ancient Egypt where cosmetic means were known more 4000 years ago. In tombs of ancient burial places vessels with ointments, the various aromas containing ладан, мирру, pink and лавандовое oil are found out. A secret of manufacturing of a lot of cosmetic means priests at that time owned. They used such plants, as an aloe, анис, flax, a poppy, a juniper, mint, a plantain, olives, a cedar, etc. The First document containing the list some kind of cosmetic rules, is found in one of the Egyptian tombs. It was the recipe - giant, written 1500 up to AD priests on the papyrus in length approximately in 21 m. German egyptologist George Ebers in 1875 has got it{him} and then has published. Subsequently this list has received the name “ Papyrus Эберса ”. It{He} contained a number{line} of cosmetic recipes (for example how to smooth wrinkles to paint hair to strengthen their growth to remove warts, etc.) which structure included basically plants. Some from the recipes resulted in this papyrus, have not lost the value and now. In Egypt the first directory on the cosmetics, made by tsarina Kleopatroj (1 century up to AD) has been found also. His{its} recipes were used and in more later time. Подробнее...

Cosmetics widely applied and in the countries of the Ancient East. Data, that almost 500 years prior to н were kept. э. Women of Assyria rubred a body with aromas, and men sprinkled the hair fragrant настоями grasses. In ancient Persia, using plants, made fragrant oils, ointments, paints. Such recognized vegetative cosmetic means, as henna and басма, - natives of ancient Persia. Подробнее...

Experience of Egyptians was adopted also by ancient Greeks. They have entered a word "cosmetics" that means “ art into use to decorate ”. In Ancient Greece and Rome рабыни which were engaged in an ornament of a body and the person of women, referred to "косметами". Father of medicine Гиппократ (V-IV century up to н. э.) informs worthy data on restoration of female beauty by plants - healers. His{its} pupil and follower Diokl recommended every possible masks and ointments for mitigation of a leather{skin}. He{it} had been wrote work on cosmetics (in 4 томах) where advice{councils} on care of a leather{skin} of the person were given, by eyes, a teeth, nails, hair with the help of the cosmetic means received mainly on the basis of vegetative raw material. Подробнее...

The greatest blossoming is received with cosmetics in Ancient Rome. About cosmetic secrets of the Roman women Roman poets Овидий and Гораций wrote. Romans widely used ointments, grindings, masks. At ancient Romans blond hair were fashionable. The recipe перекраски black hair in light was kept: hair were wiped губкой, the moistened mix козьего milk and ashes of a beechen tree, and then became colourless solar beams. In the well-known Roman baths the most various essences and oils were used. Known Roman doctor Galen (about 130-200 н. э.) allocated cosmetics with the purpose of masking cosmetic lacks (i.e. a make-up) and cosmetics for preservation of natural beauty. Подробнее...

Numerous cosmetic recipes are resulted in work of known Tadjik scientist Avitsenny “ the Canon of a medical science ”. In particular, in number of plants, suitable for the purposes of cosmetics, it{he} included аир, a quince, an aloe, алтей, a grapes, a pomegranate, a melon, flax, a lemon, an onions{a bow} napiform, mint, a nut грецкий, a peach, a parsley, a rhubard, a radish, a rose, beet, garlic. Подробнее...

In Middle Ages development of cosmetics was braked, as the church pursued those who tried to look after the “ a guilty body ”. But in Renaissance she{it} again has received a wide circulation in Europe though had more likely decorative, than medical character. And only from the middle of XVIII century the cosmetics began to develop as a modern science. Подробнее...

In Ancient Russia to hygiene, care of a leather{skin} also paid the big attention. Have been especially distributed Russian a bath with original biting massage by brooms. For освежения bodies did{made} massages with the ointments prepared on grasses, applied so-called "холодец" - insist from mint. The household cosmetics at Russian women was based on application except for products of an animal origin (milk, curdled milk, sour cream, honey, animal fats) various plants - cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beet, etc. Russian women knew, that cucumber juice, broth of a parsley do{make} the person white, and vegetative fats soften and restore elasticity of a leather{skin} of the person, a neck and hands. Him{it} medical properties of wild-growing grasses were well-known also. They collected цветки, a grass, berries, fruits, roots of plants and used them for preparation of medicinal and cosmetic means was able. Mint, camomile, cornflower, зверобой, mother - ї-мачеха, a plantain, a burdock, a nettle, hop, an oak bark were especially popular, etc. Настоем a cornflower, for example, wiped a fat, porous leather{skin}; the plantain, leaves of a nettle, mother - ї-мачехи, applied roots of a burdock at furfur and loss of hair; beet used as blush. Подробнее...

The first hand-written data of the medical maintenance{contents} have appeared in Russia in IX century. And in 30th years of XII century grand daughter Vladimir Monomaha Zoej (Евпраксией) had already been wrote the composition under the name of "Ointment" in which, along with data on various illnesses and ways of treatment, advice{councils} on care of a body, recipes from “ паршивости heads ” are resulted, means from a bad smell from a mouth and for cleaning a teeth. The plants known our far ancestors, with success were applied and later. In a popular magazine “ Economic shop ” which was issued in Russia since 1780, numerous advice{councils} on care of appearance were printed, every possible cosmetic means (for example, broth from сорочинского millet to which should wash every evening before dream the person), means from pigmentary spots (camphor, мирра), etc. were recommended. With success it is possible to use various plants in cosmetics and today. Подробнее...