Мануальная терапия
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Very much frequently it happens so, that for the first time parents start to understand, that their child accepts drugs, only when at the son or the daughter on their eyes is developed{unwrapped} narcotic абстинентный a syndrome - ломки. Подробнее...

The panic covering the adult person during this moment, does not give in to the description. Mother or father lose a head and start to call by any phones accessible to them specified in the advertising newspaper which have got under a hand. What it is necessary to do{make} actually? Подробнее...

It is necessary to stop an internal panic. It's no use to cry over spilt milk. Yes, in your family there was a problem. This problem is very difficult, but разрешима. Recollect! Addicts during time ломок do not die! They die from that muck which enter in the organism. Approach "ломок" means, that to this chemical muck in an organism at present practically did not remain. Подробнее...

Померяйте to the teenager pressure. Абстинентный the syndrome can be dangerous, only if at the young man very low pressure. Dangerously if the top figure of arterial pressure is lower 90 (if your child does not suffer a hypotonia "ломки" dangerous at pressure 60 millimeters of a mercury column become lower 90/). If pressure is lower than these figures, you need to address to the doctor immediately. Подробнее...

Immediately demand from the child that it{he} tomorrow together with you has addressed to the doctor. The teenager practically in hundred percent{interests} of cases will give the consent and later it will be possible to take advantage of it. Подробнее...

You can give the teenager of 2-3 tablets of anyone анальгетика which is at you in the house. Will approach баралгин, спазмалгон, aspirin, etc. You can risk and give once to the child of 2 tablets of anyone soothing which will find at itself in the first-aid set or in the first-aid set of the neighbours and relatives. Only do not overlook to look, what soothing you give. And next day during visit to the doctor tell to it{him} what tablets you gave. At all do not give more than two tablets. The only thing that you cannot give at all is alcoholic drinks and soothing preparations on the basis of spirit (it is impossible to use волокардином, корвалолом, etc.). Подробнее...

You can take advantage of a method offered{suggested} by American therapist Margaret Rozen: undress your child up to a belt{zone} and put on not so soft bed or a couch. Warm the hands and put them on shoulders of the laying teenager. Slowly, stroking movements, not tearing off hands, advance palms from shoulders along a backbone to a waist, trying softly to weaken muscles of your child. You will feel intense groups of muscles hands as бугры under a leather{skin}. It is not necessary to press on them strongly. They will be weakened from soft stroking touches. Подробнее...

If all occurs in the evening, remember, that your family in a condition easy to go through this night. It is not necessary to try to accept in night a critical decision about the immediate beginning of treatment, better easy to address in clinic in the beginning of the next day. Подробнее...