Мануальная терапия
- Массаж
- Офтальмология
- Лор
- Дерматология
- Косметология
- Зависимость
- Аллергология
- Кардиология
- Пульмонология
- Онкология
- Проктология
- Неврология
- Гастроэнтерология
- Пластическая хирургия
- Стоматология
- Эндокринология
- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология


The dermatology today as separate section of medicine has not too old history. Having allocated as scientific discipline two centuries ago, an independent medical speciality she{it} began even later. In Russia the dermatology was generated in 80th years of XIX century. Its{her} scientific basis became the morphological direction, allowed to develop effective methods of diagnostics and нозологической differentiations дерматозов. At studying the reasons of their occurrence by methods accessible the then have allocated a number{line} of groups дерматозов with found out этиологией - infectious and parasitic, allergic and toxic, артифициальные and genetically caused defeats of a leather{skin}. However the reasons of the big number not infectious дерматозов remained not clear, and until recently this extensive group of illnesses including and the heaviest pathology, defined{determined} as disease of the unknown person этиологии and not clear патогенеза; the empirical choice of their treatment caused pessimism in many doctors. Подробнее...

Achievements of medicine of last decades became a basis of other methodology of studying of a pathology дерматозов and development of new technologies. Use of modern biochemical, genetic, experimental methods, иммуноэлектронной microscopy, иммунохимического the analysis of antigenes of a leather{skin}, ДНК-PROBES, culture of a fabric, HLA-типирования, researches экспрессии эффекторных molecules on cellular membranes and other effective approaches have allowed to receive the new scientific facts, in many respects changing representations about a functional and structural condition of the normal and struck leather{skin} and begun new pathogenetic concepts and therapeutic strategy. Подробнее...

If earlier many illnesses of a leather{skin} were considered{examined} at a level of the secondary phenomena as consequences{investigations} неврогенных infringements or diseases of internal bodies now special interest is caused with the specific pathological processes occuring directly in a leather{skin}. More attention involve damages of a metabolism in кератоцитах and other cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, infringement in it{her} of intercellular interactions, regulation апоптоза (програмированной destructions of cells{cages}) and differentiations, экспрессии in cells - targets of a leather{skin} of receptors in hormones, нейромедиаторам, цитокинам. The reasons of pathological reactions in reply to экзогенные antigenes and hyperreactance иммунокомпетентных cells{cages} on weak antigenes of a leather{skin} are investigated, is studied патофизиология leather{skin} as important body of immune system. In classifications дерматозов have allocated groups аутоиммунных illnesses of a leather{skin}, diseases with иммунокомплексным патогенезом and others иммунозависимые дерматозы. Подробнее...

In this aspect pathogenetic concepts псориаза, атопического дерматита, red flat depriving, гнездной алопеции, витилиго, пемфигуса, red волчанки, склеродермии and many other illnesses have changed. Have appeared уточняющие methods of laboratory diagnostics and monitoring of activity of process at the similar diseases, new opportunities иммуномодулирующей therapies heavy inflammatory and аутоиммунных, and also infectious дерматозов. New approaches in studying эндокринопатий and a metabolism of hormones in a leather{skin} promoted optimization of diagnostics and treatment of lines косметически spoiling defeats of a leather{skin} and to development of medical cosmetology. The section гиперандрогенных дермопатий is in details developed, that is stimulated with introduction in dermatological practice of medicines with антиандрогенным action. Подробнее...

Powerful development of a farmaceutical industry, occurrence of new groups of medicines has given дерматологам many effective means of struggle not only against parasitic and infectious skin illnesses, but also many sharp and chronic not infectious дерматозами. Fifty years ago in dermatology began application глюкокортикостероидных the hormones sharply changing the forecast for a life at many patients with heavy and lethal illnesses - пемфигусом, system red волчанкой, токсикодермиями, etc. In therapy of others дерматозов basic became цитостатики, synthetic ретиноиды, new antimicrobic and иммунотропные means. The modern pharmaceutical arsenal allows to achieve treatment or improvement of quality of a life of patients with skin diseases which were considered fatally incurable earlier. The therapeutic nihilism in relation to hereditary дерматозам was especially shown, and now doctors have not only real opportunities of preventive maintenance (пренатальная diagnostics, медико-genetic consultation), but also medical means of the directed pathogenetic action, such as ретиноиды at infringements кератинизации or medicines with антиколлагеназным action at hereditary буллезном эпидермолизе. Подробнее...

Introduction new этиотропных and pathogenetic means has essentially enhanced the responsibility дерматологов at diagnostics and treatment of patients. Some levels of therapy (from weak local before aggressive general{common} influences) now are given to the doctor, and in each clinical situation it{he} should be able to choose the optimum decision proved by the exact diagnosis and corresponding to weight and activity of process, to the clinical form and type of current of illness. In this connection before clinical dermatology serious problems of the further нозологической differentiations, detailed elaborations and deepenings нозологических characteristics, studying of a variety of forms and stages of development дерматозов, sensitive or resistant to this or that kind of treatment and прогностически various cost{stand}. The results of these clinical researches supported with expert and statistical methods, are successfully used in dermatological practice, including as rough standards of consecutive levels and stages of treatment and inspection of patients with different forms and stages of illness. The quantity{amount} нозологических forms дерматозов is estimated in hundreds and continues to increase steadily, hence, the dermatology begins especially complex{difficult} and completely not narrow speciality demanding of the expert great volume of knowledge and their constant updating. Doctors of other structure too even more often collide{face} with defeats of a leather{skin} not only within the framework of secondary symptoms, but also in connection with expansion of a circle of pathogenic influences токсикогенных, allergenic, microbic factors and others патогенов, damaging{injuring} a leather{skin} and other bodies. In this connection necessity of various kinds continuous последипломного formations{educations} by skin illnesses becomes more and more actual. Подробнее...