Мануальная терапия
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фурункулез герпес

Congenital алопеция. It is caused by the genetic reasons. It is frequently combined with other congenital defects of a leather{skin}. It is shown significant поредением hair already at a birth or in the first months of a life of the child. Symptomatic облысение. Is complication of heavy general{common} diseases (a sepsis, illnesses of a connecting fabric, a syphilis, etc.). This kind алопеции can be as total, and очаговым and диффузным. The reason of occurrence: development{manufacture} of antibodies to own hair follicles - аутоиммунная reaction. Себорейная алопеция - complication of skin disease себореи. It is usually observed significant поредение hair. The total form of the given kind облысения practically does not meet. Подробнее...

At disease микроспорией carry out{spend} the current and final disinfection. The current disinfection is carried out by parents before hospitalization of the child, and at out-patient treatment - before recovery under the recommendation of the medical personnel. At infection микроспорией from a pet of it{him} it is necessary to show a veterinary. If for an animal it is diagnosed микроспория at the request of parents it is possible to lead{carry out} treatment. If the animal is healthy, preventive treatment by a vaccine is recommended to it{him} with the purpose of prevention of infection from the child. From neglected animals it is necessary to inform about infection in a veterinary clinic or санэпидстанцию. Fallen ill микроспорией should not visit{attend} children's collective before recovery. Подробнее...