Mera-med | .ru |
перелом шейного позвоночникаThe leather{skin} is not an accessory{a belonging} of the impellent device. However, reflex interaction of a leather{skin} and the muscles, expressing diverse phenomena (trembling at cooling, increase or downturn of a muscular tone, change of microcirculation) allows to count these communications{connections} essential. In the clinical attitude{relation} are more known дерматомоторные attitudes{relations}, though diagnostic value моторно - дермальных attitudes{relations} not less important. It is established, that above a site of a muscular hypertone or in the neighbourhood zones skin гипералгезии with simultaneous пиломоторной reaction are frequently formed. At superficial пальпации, is more exact at a sliding contact, these sites are defined{determined} as an obstacle to sliding of fingers - " a phenomenon of sticking ". Подробнее... Our stops much that do not love. For example, high heels. Or weight overloads. Therefore problems with stops quite often arise at people with excess weight or at women during pregnancy. Or when it is necessary the person long and without rest to stand. Sometimes плоскостопие appears, if sheaf stops are weak from a birth. Gradually these of a sheaf weaken more and more, перстают to cope with loading and as a result vaults stop are deformed. Подробнее...
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