The factors promoting occurrence акне, besides the period of puberty (normal increase of a level of man's sexual hormones) hormonal changes at women before менструациями are or during pregnancy, application of some cosmetic means (humidifying лосьонов, fat creams), emotional stress. The certain value has superfluous consumption of fats and iodine (with food additives, food stuffs), application of some medical products (contraceptive, стероиды, противосудорожные, preparations containing lithium). Подробнее...
At the sharp form of defeat of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity it is recommended to use антимикотические preparations as drops and a solution. To children till 3 years apply натамицин as drops on 0,5-1 ml day with the help of a pipette, on the average 10 days, than 3 years - 1 % a solution клотримазола are more senior, grease 2-3 times day a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and language after reception of food, duration of treatment on the average 7 days, at adults - up to 2 нед. At the chronic form of defeat appoint антимикотики system action (флуконазол, итраконазол, кетоконазол). From the middle of 80th years to treatment of all forms of a candidiasis at children and adults apply флуконазол - азоловое connection (capsules on 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg). The preparation poorly метаболизируется to cookies, is deduced by kidneys mainly in not changed kind. Advantage флуконазола besides high efficiency is absence гепатотоксичности, good bearableness. At the chronic form of a candidiasis of a mucous oral cavity of it{him} appoint the adult on 50-100 mg of 1 times day daily, to children at the rate of 3-5 mg to 1 kg of weight of a body during 1-3 нед, and in the first day apply the double doze. Флуконазол it is possible to appoint on a method пульсотерапии: the adult in a doze of 150 mg once a week, to children - 5-7 mg on 1 kg of weight of a body, duration of therapy 2-3 нед. Last 5 years to treatment of the chronic form of a candidiasis of a mucous oral cavity apply a new preparation from group азолов - итраконазол (capsules on 100 mg). It{him} appoint the adult on 100-200 mg day daily during 2-3 нед. Подробнее...