контактные линзы в кредит
Bandages on eyes impose at transportation of the patient, rendering the emergency help at traumas of an eye, after operations, and also to the restless patient and children. Монокулярную a bandage (on one eye) impose on a sick eye if his{its} movements under a bandage, arising содружественно at movements of the second eye, are not contra-indicated. A binocular bandage impose at defeat of both eyes or if movements of a sick eye are undesirable (after penetrating wounds, operations). Подробнее...
All К. divide on экзогенные and эндогенные. To the first carry infectious К. (sharp and chronic), a trachoma, to the second - К., arising in the metastatic way, and allergic diseases конъюнктивы (фликтенулезньш К., etc.). Depending on этиологии distinguish epidemic (caused Kokh's by stick - Уикса), diphtheritic, гонококковый, аденовирусный К., etc. Подробнее...