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косметология лечение пигментных пятен

One more method of a peeling of a leather{skin} - with the help of the laser - began to be applied in cosmetic clinics more recently. A leather{skin} of the person, switching веки, in regular intervals and strictly is dosed out process a beam of the special laser. Thus there are same processes that occurs as a result of a usual peeling: the layer эпидермиса dies off, and for 2-3 weeks the layer of a "new" leather{skin} is formed. Processes are normalized within 2 months. At this time it is impossible to sunbathe. Подробнее...

Пиридоксин (vitamin B6) is useful at себорее, vulgar and pink угрях, себорейном loss of hair, дерматитах. At lack of it{him} there is an atrophy of cells{cages} эпидермиса, roots of hair and sebaceous glands. Contains in полыни, an onions{a bow}, a potato, cabbage, cucumbers, a parsley, tomatoes, rice, wheat, in many fruit and berries (a grapes, wild strawberry, sea-buckthorn berries, etc.). Подробнее...