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контактные линзы acuview

Chronic конъюнктивит, катаральный or follicular, can arise in conditions of polluted and dusty air, under action chemical прпмесей or at intense visual work in case of a far-sightedness and астигматизма, at work in conditions of bad illumination, прп diseases a century and plaintive ways, chronic illnesses of a nose and a nasopharynx. Symptoms: weight a century, burning, sensation of an alien body, слезотечение, a photophobia, separated is not enough. At children's age chronic К. usually proceeds with numerous follicles in bottom transitive складке (фолликулез). Лечен and е should be directed on elimination of the reason of disease. Местно - 0,25 % the solution of sulfate of zinc, is better with adrenaline, 0,5 % ointment гидрокортизона. Подробнее...

Drops can be appointed very much frequently if it is shown, but it is necessary to remember about system всасывании. Therefore at закапывании strong eye drops (for example, atropine) in order to prevent their hit in a cavity of a nose it is necessary to press on 1 mines an index finger area of a plaintive bag. Подробнее...