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пигментные пятна на лице

Imagine: summer, a country small house, our loved{liked;favourite} 6 соток on which any necessary vegetables grow. Morning. We leave on крылечко, is sweet we stretch, we look on the parties{sides} and we see, that the parsley was born on glory. Juicy, green. And anybody has not trodden her{it}. Have picked a huge bunch{beam}: both for soup, and for salad, and for seasonings. Have overdone, too much parsley have picked? Anything terrible: it is high time to indulge with the rest of greens of a parsley a leather{skin}. Simply and quickly we prepare for a mask for the person, in fact for it{her} any complex{difficult} components it is not required, the parsley is so useful in itself, that in domestic cosmetics of her{it} seldom mix with something else. Подробнее...

If after city noise and bustle, you feel like devastated, try to sit simply in the evening at the sea, inhaling fresh air and looking on waves accumulating on coast. Listen, as noise of the sea. Such original meditation calms and invigorates. And in August in the south - a meteoric shower. When you last time thought of desire, looking on a falling star? Подробнее...