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солярий для лица

Cucumber cream for a dry leather{skin}: vegetable oil - 3,5 dining rooms of the spoon, the kindled wax and glycerin on 1 dining room to the spoon, a boric acid - 0,5 teaspoons, cucumber juice - 2 dining rooms of the spoon. Wax is crushed, mixs up with vegetable oil and a boric acid and расплавляется on a water bath. The received weight slightly to cool, add glycerin and cucumber juice. Carefully to mix, store{keep} in a refrigerator. Подробнее...

For wiping a dry and normal leather{skin} of the person it is possible to prepare such лосьон: a fresh cucumber polished on a fine grater to fill with equal quantity{amount} of vodka, to insist 2 weeks, to filter. Before application to dissolve with equal quantity{amount} of boiled water and on 100 г mixes to add a teaspoon of glycerin. Подробнее...