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The diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis is put on the basis of clinical displays, detection of the activator in чешуйках leather{skin} at microscopic research and a characteristic yellow or brown luminescence under Wood's luminescent lamp, positive test with iodine. To differentiate disease in a sharp stage it is necessary from pink depriving Жибера, syphilitic розеол, at long current from the pigmentation observed after the sanction of various skin diseases, at presence депигментированных spots with syphilitic лейкодермой, and also dry стрептодермией. Подробнее...
Thereof at 46-52 % of newborns decrease{reduction} and a distortion of the immune answer to allergens of an environment, at 79 % - гипоталамические and вертебральные dysfunctions with микроциркуляторными infringements in bodies and a leather{skin}, increase of the maintenance{contents} of biologically active substances determined at research эндотоксикограммы are established. Подробнее...