Мануальная терапия
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мраморность кожи у ребенка

Procedure of a slow peeling with use of a fresh-water sponge is made as follows: all is preceded with a steam bath by which do{make} in the first day. Then daily in a vessel with a powder of a fresh-water sponge pour a solution 3 %-s' peroxides of hydrogen and stir wooden шпателем before reception foamed кашицы. A mask from it{her} quickly render on the person and give to dry, in 5-6 minutes a mask again plentifully humidify peroxide. In 20 minutes a mask wash off, a leather{skin} drain and powder. In the second and the next days do not do{make} a steam bath, wiping instead of it the person 2 %-s' salicylic spirit, and at drawing a mask of her{it} rub circular movements on skin lines, at repeated humidifying again rub. Подробнее...

Radio oils. The smell of many herbs is caused by the maintenance{contents} in them of radio oils which collect or on a surface of plants (ferruterous волоски, эфирно-olive желёзки, ferruterous a stain), or inside them (секреторные cells{cages}, courses and канальцы, секреторные receptacles). Radio oils render knitting, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and ранозаживляющее action. Due to aromatic properties they are applied in the perfumery industry, cosmetics (mint, pink oils, etc.) . Roses, a yarrow and other эфирно-olive plants contain in mint, a grass зверобоя, полыни bitter, fennel, leaves of a sage medicinal, цветках lindens. Presence азулена - one of components of the radio oil contained in зверобое, a camomile chemist's, a yarrow, improves a feed{meal} of cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, strengthens a metabolism, salutary an effect has on a leather{skin} at solar burns and irritations, part of means on care of hair. Подробнее...