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The fact of deterioration of sight at carrying glasses so speaks M.D.Korbett: *Когда the healthy eye is weakened, it{he} will correctly function. Similarly to a camera it{he} will be уплощаться, reducing the axis at examining the removed objects and to be extended in the axis at examining close objects. Only the pressure{voltage} prevents an eyeball to undergo similar changes in the form. Instead of muscles of an eye glasses therefore eye muscles cease to carry out the functions start to do{make} this work and start to weaken gradually. Подробнее...
Current primary Г. is various. Usually she{it} develops gradually. The sharp attack (декомпенсация) Г. is observed infrequently, accompanied by sharp pains in an eye and surrounding areas (вп-juice, a forehead), deterioration of the general{common} condition. The nausea and vomitting are quite often observed. An eyeball гипереми-ровано, a pupil wide, visual acuity is sharply lowered. Подробнее...