заболевание кожи губ
Pitches - firm or полужидкие organic substances with a characteristic smell, relatives on a chemical compound to radio oils. At external application render disinfectant and ранозаживляющее action. Подробнее...
Tired for a winter and exhausted by a spring avitaminosis, our leather{skin} waits from us for first aid! And for this case each representative of the weaker sex respecting has tested firm recipes of beauty: a magic cream, a miracle mask. But whether frequently we recollect what except for dear{expensive} and not so dear{expensive} cosmetics on care of a leather{skin}, there are simple and all accessible ways to strengthen and prolong our charm? They near to us, it is possible to tell grow under legs{foots}, that is on грядке. Get acquainted, the most usual cucumber! Подробнее...