вирус герпеса клиника лечение механизм передачи
At инфильтративно-нагноительной to the form руброфитии treatment carry out{spend} as at зооантропонозной трихофитии. First delete корки in the center of defeat, imposing bandages with salicylic ointment (2 %) under a compress at some o'clock, carry out{spend} эпиляцию hair. Then on the centers apply lotions with фурацилином 1:5000, риванолом 1:1000, марганцовокислым калием 1:6000. Further appoint рассасывающую серно-tar ointment (5-10 %) way втирания or under компрессную a paper. After the sanction инфильтрата use ointment ундециленовая an acid + zinc salt ундециленовой acids, a cream клотримазол, циклопирокс, оксиконазол and others up to the full sanction of clinical displays. Подробнее...
Treatment: Are applied противовирусные the preparations containing as the working beginning ацикловир. The most known is the preparation безрецептурного holidays "Зовиракс". For his{its} invention pharmaceutical corporation GlaxoWellcome has received the Nobel Prize. Зовиракс it is applied as 5 % of a cream. This medical product concerns to group " acyclic нуклеозидов ". It purposefully influences process of duplication of a virus, проникая mainly in the struck cell{cage} and not mentioning healthy. Подробнее...