Мануальная терапия
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токсоплазмоз краснуха вирус простого герпеса

Сочетанные displays of a skin and respiratory allergy at children, submitted as атопического дерматита and a bronchial asthma at the same sick child, frequently in practice of the doctor - allergist designate as дерматореспираторный syndrome (ДРС). In spite of the fact that the given term causes the certain criticism in some experts and it{he} does not enter into a heading of official classification of illnesses, him{it} continue to use widely in practical work. The urgency of the given question that also is important, that desease ДРС at children steadily grows, and his{its} frequency in structure of an allergic pathology makes more than 35-40 % [1]. Подробнее...

Multi-coloured deprive - fungoid disease, which activator Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furur) concerns to barmy mushrooms. Disease is rather widely distributed in all countries, болеют persons young and middle-aged. Подробнее...