вирус герпеса патогенез
Almost 8 % of patients with тиреотоксикозом too suffer from генерализованного an itch. The itch stops after achievement as a result of treatment эутиреоидного conditions. The itch accompanying гипотиреоз, probably, is connected to dryness of integuments. Подробнее...
Подошвенные warts arise on places of the greatest pressure of footwear. Externally these horn stratifications of grayish color remind a callous, differing from it{her} reddish сосочковыми growths in the center under stratifications. Подошвенные warts are painful{unhealthy}, quite often complicate walking. Treatment is appointed by the doctor. Independent treatment, is especial application of cauterizing means (acids and alkalis) can lead to to an inflammation of surrounding fabrics, a suppuration, formation{education} rough рубцов. Подробнее...