вирус герпеса цитомегалловируса папиломы
Treatment. Now on arms there is a sufficient choice антимикотических preparations for the local application, possessing expressed противогрибковым action concerning the activator multi-coloured depriving. Derivatives concern to them имидазола and триазола, аллиламиновые connections. Use: a cream кетоконазол, a cream оксиконазол, a cream and a solution клотримазола, a cream бифоназол (appoint once a day during 2-3 нед); a cream эконазол (appoint 2 times day during 3-4 нед); тербинафин a cream and a spray, экзифин a cream (render on the cleared and dried centers of defeat 2 times day within 7-14 days, if necessary after a 2-week break course of treatment can be repeated). At widespread{distributed}, frequently рецидивирующих forms multi-coloured depriving are more effective антимикотики system action (итраконазол, флуконазол). Подробнее...
Family predisposition to атопии is revealed at 82-84 % of the surveyed patients of various age. Densities of families with атопическим a genotype grows. Thus by mother the given parameter is equal 48-54 %, by the father of-14-21 %, both parents - 12-17 %. Подробнее...