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лечение герпес женщины

Predisposition and эпидемиология. The majority of infections Candida are caused С. albicans, but there can be an infection and such kinds, as С. parapsilosis, С. krusei, С. tropicalis and С. glabrata. Immunity is multifactorial against infections Candida (see tab. 1). Infringement of integrity of a leather{skin} and mucous at use цитостатических preparations or at burns, infringement of resistency to colonization because of application of antibiotics and infringement of hormonal balance (for example, at a diabetes) play the important role in патогенезе superficial infections Candida. Гранулоцитопения and presence intravascular катетеров are the important risk factors кандидемии. The factors causing occurrence of superficial infections, can also опосредованно contribute to development кандидемии and deep infections. Recently lead{recently carried out} epidemiological research has shown, that it is true basically concerning use of antibiotics. Our own research has shown, that at patients with гранулоцитопенией which are colonized Candida and receive treatment concerning proved бактериемии, desease кандидемией can reach 50 % [1]. The best preventive maintenance of deep infections Candida, in our opinion, the strict control of use of antibiotics over hospital is. Подробнее...

At the earliest stages угревой illnesses P. acnes and products of its{her} metabolism cause an inflammation in дерме. There is a migration лимфоцитов in the center of an inflammation. Further there is an activation комплемента, медиатором which cellular wall P. acnes is, arises positive таксис нейтрофильных leukocytes in the center of defeat, and also synthesis of antibodies against P. acnes. Нейтрофилы, allocating литические enzymes, promote the even greater damage эпителия a follicle. As a result of inflammatory reaction in дерме free radicals of oxygen, гидроксильные groups, супероксиды peroxides of hydrogen collect. They damage{injure} cells{cages} even more and support an inflammation. Besides contents of a follicle because of the broken permeability эпителия get in дерму and also cause inflammatory reaction as an original alien substance. Therefore at later stage of development угревой illnesses in process are involved макрофаги and huge cells{cages}. Подробнее...