губной герпес
Our supervision have shown, that at medicinal intolerance at patients about the HELL, causal - significant allergens are an antibiotic (in 87 % of cases) penicillin and it{him} полусинтетические derivatives, сульфаниламидные preparations; local анестетики, not steroid anti-inflammatory preparations, vitamins of group of V.Neperenosimost of medical products the HELL, hypostasis Квинке and крапивницей, attacks of the complicated breath can be shown by an aggravation. Such high percent{interest} of reactions to antibiotics at patients the HELL, probably, is connected to presence of a sensitization to fungoid allergens, as экзогенным (Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium), and эндогенным (Candida albicans, Pityrosporum ovale), having the general{common} antigenic properties with antibiotics [18]. Подробнее...
Contact of the child with экзогенными factors (food substances, ингалянтные substances, бактериально-parasitic antigenes), it is especial at their excessive quantities{amounts}, are caused with start allergic and иммунопатологических reactions with clinical displays of an inflammation in a leather{skin} and mucous membranes. Подробнее...