Мануальная терапия
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герпес два

Sebaceous glands are derivatives эпидермиса and is only in a leather{skin} mammal. In overwhelming majority of cases железы are directly connected to hair follicles long, щетинистых and пушковых hair. Therefore, except for palms and soles, they are located on all sites of an integument. Especially it is a lot of sebaceous glands on the person (in area надбровий, a nose, носогубного a triangle, a chin), in the field of an average line of a breast and a back. These zones have received the name себорейных as they most are frequently amazed at a special condition of a leather{skin} - себорее. Skin bacon - a secret produced by sebaceous glands, - represents a mix липидов which carries out the following functions: Подробнее...

Disease develops quickly. In a clinical picture the phenomena of an intoxication prevail: rise in temperature of a body above 38±С is almost always observed, the general{common} condition of the patient is broken, there are артралгии, strong muscular pains, pains in a stomach (these phenomena abate on a background of reception салицилатов), decrease{reduction} in weight of a body, an anorexia. Occurrence knotty эритемы, гепатоспленомегалии is described, at some patients develop остеолитические processes in bones. In the clinical analysis of blood acceleration СОЭ and decrease{reduction} in hemoglobin is found out лейкоцитоз, sometimes down to лейкемоидной reactions. Crops of blood give, as a rule, negative result. On a leather{skin} of a back, a breast, lateral surfaces of a neck and shoulders appear пустулезные высыпания on эритематозном a background, and also numerous it is fast изъязвляющиеся папулезные elements. Absence высыпаний on the person is typical. Healing of the centers of defeat is frequently accompanied by formation{education} of set рубцов, including келоидных. Подробнее...