генитальный герпес на половом члене
Гризеофульвин apply to children at the rate of 21-22 mg on 1 kg of weight of a body of the child, the daily doze is given in 3 receptions with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, accept it{him} daily up to the negative analysis on mushrooms, then in day during 2 нед. And 2 times a week also 2 нед. Simultaneously carry out{spend} external therapy: сбривание hair of 1 times in 7-10 days, washing of a head 2-3 times a week, in the centers of defeat rub серно-salicylic ointment (sulfur besieged 5,0, an acid salicylic 1,5, vaseline up to 50,0), серно-tar (sulfur besieged 5,0, tar birch 1,5, vaseline up to 50,0), микосептин, бифоназол, микозолон, клотримазол, тербинафин, батрафен, экзодерил, etc. It is possible to rub one of the specified ointments 2 times in day (бифоназол - once a day) or to apply серно-salicylic ointment, and in the evening the centers in the morning to grease спиртовой tincture of iodine (2 %). Подробнее...
Плазмаферез. About efficiency плазмафереза at various аллергодерматозах, in particular at the HELL, there are enough data [28-30]. It{he} is directed on deducing{removing} of the various pathological products arising in an organism owing to complex{difficult} иммунопатологических of processes, fabrics underlying an allergic inflammation: antigenes, antibodies, immune complexes, медиаторов an allergic inflammation, fibers of a sharp phase, etc. Подробнее...