герпес и генитальный
Features of pharmacokinetics in a nail in many respects are caused by that the nail plate in 10 times is thicker than a horn layer of a leather{skin} and contains менше липидов. Allocate 2 ways of penetration of system means to a nail plate. The first - "fast" - passes through nail to a box, laying between a plate and a network of blood vessels under ложем. Гиперкератотические weights and the cavities laying between a plate and ложем at under - nail type онихомикоза, are the basic obstacle антимикотиков on a "fast" way. Подробнее...
Топические ГКС. Топические ГКС operate both on early, and on a late phase of an allergic inflammation. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory effect of these preparations consists in blockade фосфолипазы А2, hence, occur decrease{reduction} in production лейкотриенов, expressed and long ангиоспазм, braking of synthesis глюкозаминогликанов, collagen and эластина, increase of linkage гистамина and others медиаторов, decrease{reduction} in emission лизосомальных enzymes, reduction in эпидермисе cells{cages} Лангерганса, corpulent cells{cages}, etc. According to the European classification of activity топические ГКС on force of action are subdivided into 4 classes: weak, average, strong and very strong (see the table). The choice of a preparation is defined{determined} by a stage of illness, a phase of an inflammation and a degree of expressiveness of skin displays. Подробнее...