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эффектиктивное лечение генитального герпеса

Clinical picture. Себорея can develop on any site of a leather{skin} where there are sebaceous glands, but usually she{it} arises there where especially it is a lot of sebaceous glands and where they have the greatest size: on волосистой parts of a head, the person, a breast, a back. Especially frequently disease meets at teenagers in пубертатном the period. Подробнее...

Disease develops quickly. In a clinical picture the phenomena of an intoxication prevail: rise in temperature of a body above 38±С is almost always observed, the general{common} condition of the patient is broken, there are артралгии, strong muscular pains, pains in a stomach (these phenomena abate on a background of reception салицилатов), decrease{reduction} in weight of a body, an anorexia. Occurrence knotty эритемы, гепатоспленомегалии is described, at some patients develop остеолитические processes in bones. In the clinical analysis of blood acceleration СОЭ and decrease{reduction} in hemoglobin is found out лейкоцитоз, sometimes down to лейкемоидной reactions. Crops of blood give, as a rule, negative result. On a leather{skin} of a back, a breast, lateral surfaces of a neck and shoulders appear пустулезные высыпания on эритематозном a background, and also numerous it is fast изъязвляющиеся папулезные elements. Absence высыпаний on the person is typical. Healing of the centers of defeat is frequently accompanied by formation{education} of set рубцов, including келоидных. Подробнее...