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грыжа межпозвоночного диска лечение

In conditions of the raised{increased} bronchial resistance сократительный the device of respiratory muscles tests significant overloads, that in due course results in falling their power{force} characteristics and impossibility поддерживания an adequate level of ventilation. This is promoted appreciably by the connected hyperlightness easy, causing spastic уплощение domes of a diaphragm, tonic укорочение auxiliary muscles of a breath. In turn raised{increased} tonic activity инспираторных muscles does not give an opportunity экспираторным to muscles to be reduced up to the end, and easy to reach{achieve} normal functional residual capacity. Such confrontation creates additional conditions for progressing obstructive эмфиземы. Подробнее...

Principal causes of this phenomenon are the inactive way of life forming a wrong impellent stereotype and infringement of a bearing, or on the contrary, excessive physical loadings in labour activity and general hobby of youth for employment{occupations} for the sports, directed not on improvement, and on the "records", resulting{bringing} to микротравматизации a backbone. Подробнее...