герпес ii типа
Sore points to wet water and to wash with soap it is forbidden, they are cleared by liquid oils; they need to be protected from external irritations (a wind, a cold, a snow and so forth), protecting a rational bandage; to exclude contact with fur, a wool and a flannel which can worsen disease. Patients экземой should be under диспансерным supervision. Подробнее...
"Сульфодерм" contains sulfur (SulfurД4 and Д12), Мezereum Д4 (a bark of branches волчеягодника ordinary), Аrsenicum album Д6 (мышьяковый anhydride), Caladium seguinum Д4 (a rhizome, a stalk and leaves дефенбахии bloody); Capsicum Д4 (mature fruits of siliculose pepper). Подробнее...