герпес типа iv
So, diagnosing угревую illness, it is necessary to imagine, that this disease proceeds on the certain background condition of a macroorganism. Treatment угревой illnesses should be carried out{be spent} with the account патогенеза, and also degrees of weight of current. Подробнее...
Мембраностабилизирующие preparations. To the preparations of this group used for treatment the HELL, carry кетотифен and a preparation кромоглициевой the acids having the similar mechanism of action: they stabilize membranes of corpulent cells{cages} and brake receipt of ions of calcium in cells{cages} owing to what development of the allergic reaction caused by interaction of an antibody with an antigene is blocked. Мембраностабилизирующие preparations are appointed as in a complex with the basic methods of treatment, and as preventive treatment in the rehabilitation period to long term (кромоглициевая an acid on 1-2 мес, кетотифен it is minimal on 3 мес, sometimes some years). Подробнее...