герпес на коже заразная болезнь лечение
Multi-coloured deprive - fungoid disease, which activator Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furur) concerns to barmy mushrooms. Disease is rather widely distributed in all countries, болеют persons young and middle-aged. Подробнее...
Fungoid defeats of nails (онихомикозы) concern to the most widespread diseases. They meet at least at 5-10 % of all population, and among persons than 60 years - almost at 30 % are more senior. Almost each tenth reference{manipulation} to дерматологу is caused by this disease. Fungoid infections of nails remain the important problem for public health services not only because they reduce " quality of a life " and social adaptation of the patient. Онихомикозы represent it is long the existing center of a fungoid infection and a plentiful source for distribution of an infection on a leather{skin} of the patient. Patients онихомикозами - a source of distribution of an infection both among members of the families, and in general purpose places, such as bath, the general{common} душевые, pools, saunas. Besides there are data that the mushrooms causing онихомикоз, can cause a sensitization of an organism, promote development or maintenance of allergic and other diseases of a leather{skin}, and also develop a number{line} of toxic substances. Подробнее...