болезнь герпес на губе лечение
At patients with the dry form себореи meet furfur and vulgar угри is more often. Furfur - диффузное a peeling of a leather{skin} волосистой parts of the head, usually not accompanying with the inflammatory phenomena. Occurrence of furfur is caused by activization of activity сапрофитной (accompanying, not pathogenic) the bacterial flora taking root in the uppermost layer of a leather{skin} and breaking it{him} ороговение. Treatment is reduced to rational care of a leather{skin} in view of recommendations дерматолога or the cosmetician. For treatment of furfur use the medicinal and cosmetic preparations containing zinc. Подробнее...
Treatment. Limited, sometimes and the widespread sharp forms of defeat of the smooth leather{skin}, especially developed during treatment by antibacterial preparations, as a rule, easily give in to treatment local антимикотическими means as a solution, a cream, ointments and can be resolved even without treatment after a cancellation of antibiotics. Подробнее...