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герпес в интимном месте

To the persons unfamiliar with homeopathy, the principle of similarity seems the anarchism which is not matching with a modern science. A method of treatment known from ancient times at which the medicine is appointed by a principle of similarity, a method which with success used Гиппократ and which has finally issued in harmonous system Ganeman, this method could explain only now when natural sciences have reached{achieved} the modern level and it became clear to scientists, that is insignificant small particles of medicinal substance can to operate an organism of the patient, only it is necessary to be able to use them [1,2,3,4]. Подробнее...

By special works [6] it is established, that the genetic control over synthesis of the general{common} IgE is the paramount factor in development the HELL. It is shown, that main рецессивный a locus, детерминирующий a high level сывороточного IgE, influences development of various symptoms атопических diseases. In cases when the patient suffers only an asthma or only the HELL, the effect of influence of the main gene is similar with рецессивным inheritance. If joins поллиноз, most likely, the question is about кодоминантном inheritance. It is shown, that connection to a clinical picture of additional symptoms атопии testifies to presence of prepotent influence [5]. Last years communication{connection} атопических diseases with the certain antigenes of the main complex гистосовместимости is found out, the positive association атопического дерматита with antigenes HLA A24,-В5,-В9,-В12 and-В27 in particular is established. It is established, that the fact of reaction of immune system on an antigene is impossible without system of the main complex гистосовместимости as cooperation of cells{cages} in the immune answer is provided at participation of antigenes of system HLA [7,8]. Last data testify to participation in патогенезе the HELL of mechanisms of genetic regulation of the immune answer connected to a HLA-marker [9]. Подробнее...