Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

сифилис герпес туберкулез кандидоз в полости рта

The homeopathy, constantly developing science. After Ганемана doctors began to apply higher cultivations, having taken for designations of the letter "д" and "ж" which designate decimal and сотенные cultivations. In Russia "ж" it is not put. Modern homeopathists are familiar with Goering's laws, and as with two periods of homeopathist treatment: it аггравация, i.e. amplification{strengthening} of symptoms of illness and, the subsequent behind it{him}, improvement (amelioration). Подробнее...

Сочетанные displays of a skin and respiratory allergy at children, submitted as атопического дерматита and a bronchial asthma at the same sick child, frequently in practice of the doctor - allergist designate as дерматореспираторный syndrome (ДРС). In spite of the fact that the given term causes the certain criticism in some experts and it{he} does not enter into a heading of official classification of illnesses, him{it} continue to use widely in practical work. The urgency of the given question that also is important, that desease ДРС at children steadily grows, and his{its} frequency in structure of an allergic pathology makes more than 35-40 % [1]. Подробнее...