рецидивы генетального герпеса и беременность
Major factor in development of a candidiasis is the background condition or diseases of an organism at which conditional - pathogenic activators get pathogenic properties. To them concern: эндокринопатии, primary and secondary иммунодефицитные conditions, аутоиммунные processes, the diseases connected to infringement of the ecological environment, etc. The Certain role in development of a candidiasis wide use of the preparations possessing иммуносупрессивным action - глюкокортикоидные plays hormones and цитостатики. The increase in desease a candidiasis is promoted often and not always by the justified purpose{assignment} of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, including with the preventive purpose. Подробнее...
The majority of patients belong to categories acne comedonica and acne papulopustulosa. All other types meet rather seldom, but are not less important - or owing to weight of current or because demand other approach to therapy. Подробнее...