герпес в паху
The important criterion determining a choice of a system preparation, the spectrum of his{its} action is. In a spectrum of action the mushrooms allocated from struck nails should get. Therefore этиология онихомикоза, on the data культурального researches, it should be known to the doctor. If этиология some mushrooms are unknown or allocated, appoint the preparation of a wide spectrum including and дерматофиты, and mushrooms of sort Candida, and плесневые недерматофитные mushrooms. Подробнее...
Patients with the expressed aggravation of skin process proceeding with the phenomena экзематизации, гипертермией, лимфоаденопатией, symptoms of the general{common} intoxication, it is especial at connection of a secondary infection, hospitalization are subject. In such cases it is necessary to carry out{spend} дезинтоксикационную the therapy directed on knocking over of a sharp condition. With this purpose it is made парентеральное (intravenous drop) introduction гемодеза, антигистаминных preparations of 1-st generation (клемастин, хлоропирамин), and also system глюкокортикостероидов (ГКС) (бетаметазон, dexamethasone). The maximal course doze system ГКС should not exceed 64 mg in recalculation on dexamethasone. At an aggravation пиодермии local and system antibacterial therapy which should be carried out{be spent} on a background intravenous дезинтоксикационной therapies with the purpose of prevention of a possible{probable} aggravation of skin process on introduction of antibiotics is shown. The choice of a system antibiotic is carried out{spent} in view of the pharmacological anamnesis and бактериограммы, the preference is given макролидам. Duration of antibacterial therapy does not exceed 7-10 days. In case of a heavy aggravation of process to patients it is shown medical плазмаферез. At an aggravation of symptoms of a bronchial asthma selection of adequate basic therapy is carried out{spent}. Подробнее...