Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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генитальный герпес беременность

Макула - flat, округлой forms the defeat distinguished on color from the surrounding leather{skin}; a stain (patch) - макула more than 1 sm in diameter; папула - raised, округлое defeat of any color less than 1 sm in diameter, the basic part of it{him} acts above surrounding leather{skin}; unit - the palpated defeat reminding папулу, but more 1 sm in diameter; бляшка - raised above a level of a leather{skin} defeat more than 2 sm in diameter; везикула - defeat less than 1 sm in diameter, filled with a transparent liquid is sharp отграниченное, acting above a level of a leather{skin}; булла - везикулярное formation{education} more than 1 sm in diameter; пустула (гнойничок) - it is precise отграниченное local formation{education} from inflammatory cells{cages} in a leather{skin}; волдырь - passing, raised above a level of a leather{skin} the defeat connected to accumulation of a liquid in the top layer of a leather{skin}; киста - the formation{education} consisting from liquid or полужидкого of substance, limited to walls кисты (true киста). Подробнее...

The candidiasis of digestive system is shown by defeat of a mucous membrane of a mouth, drinks more often; it is characterized by occurrence of fine red spots, after dot white strikes on a mucous membrane of language, cheeks, throat which can merge, forming precisely outlined centers covered мелочно-white пленками after which removal{distance} are found out эрозированные surfaces. Thus patients mark burning in a mouth, morbidity mucous, difficulty (because of a pain) chewing and swallowing. Defeat of a gullet is located in his{its} average third is more often, characterized by a hypostasis and гиперемией his{its} mucous membrane, изъязвлениями, covered with an albesent film, painful{unhealthy} дисфагией. Кандидамикоз a stomach and an intestines meets seldom and proceeds as катарального or эрозивного a gastritis, энтерита, энтероколита. Heavy forms ulcer кандидамикоза a gastroenteric path can become complicated by gastroenteric bleedings, punching and development of a peritonitis. Подробнее...