Мануальная терапия
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наружный герпес и беременность

The mycosis stop (palms) is necessary for differentiating from дисгидротической экземы, псориаза, пустулезного бактерида Andrews, кератодермии, and also at localization of the centers: on shins - from knotty васкулита, папулонекротического a tuberculosis, the limited neurodermatitis; on a leather{skin} of a trunk - from псориаза, superficial and chronic трихофитии, инфильтративной and инфильтративно-нагноительной forms зооантропонозной трихофитии, паховой эпидермофитии; on the person - from red волчанки. Подробнее...

At patients with эндокринными diseases, immune infringements can develop генерализованные forms with defeat of internal bodies. However these forms are observed extremely seldom. For инфильтративно-нагноительной forms трихофитии occurrence опухолевидных formations{educations}, the dark red color, covered корками is typical as a result of connection of bacterial flora. At tearing away корок the branch of pus from устьев hair follicles, the centers painful{unhealthy} is observed at пальпации. At the given form трихофитии the general{common} condition accompanying with rise in temperature, an indisposition, a headache, increase in lymph nodes, by occurrence allergic высыпаний on a leather{skin} can be broken. Without treatment clinical displays can be resolved, but on a place of the former centers are formed рубцы. Подробнее...