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герпес поздний

Антигистаминные preparations. Application of antagonists of Н1-receptors as basic preparations for treatment the HELL is proved by the major role гистамина in the mechanism of a skin itch at the HELL. Has historically developed so, that one of the first effective антигистаминных the preparations used for treatment of various allergic diseases, were preparations of 1-st generation клемастин, хлоропирамин. Presence of sedative effect does{makes} their irreplaceable in some clinical situations, for example at a HELL, accompanying by the wearisome skin itch amplifying at night and essentially breaking dream. Existence инъекционной forms of these preparations allows to include them in дезинтоксикационные circuits of treatment at patients with heavy forms the HELL. Подробнее...

After "awakening" a virus to nerves (as the train on rails), departing from trigeminal ганглия goes back to a leather{skin}. It is important to know, that branches depart from a trigeminal texture, иннервирующие lips, mucous a mouth, десны, a leather{skin} on мочке an ear and a part of a cheek. According to departing nerves defeats on a leather{skin} will settle down also. In process of passage through a nerve the virus causes an inflammation of a fabric of a nerve that causes a pain on a course of a nervous fibre. Подробнее...