Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

повышеный герпес

Preventive maintenance. Disinfection нательного both bed-clothes during treatment and carrying out of preventive courses of treatment through 1-2 мес after the termination{ending} of treatment, using the same preparations, as for treatment, but applying them within 7-10 days. Подробнее...

Belladonna - contains atropine, гиосцинамин, скополамин. It is applied in medicine for a long time. It{her} mentions Ибн-Сина (Авиценна) in the work " the Canon of a medical science ". It was applied inside at коклюше, эпилепсии, convulsive spasms drinks and a gullet, at various neurosises, etc. Now preparations белладонны are applied, mainly, as soothing and спазмолитические means at diseases of a digestive path, a cholecystitis and желчекаменной illnesses. In the general{common} medicine of leaves Белладонны make the following preparations: tincture белладонны, a dry extract красавки, an extract красавки dense, atropine сернокислый. In homeopathy Белладонна is universal medical means for all sharp inflammatory processes and for an initial stage of many infectious diseases. Подробнее...