лечение герпеса глаза
Криптококковый the meningitis meets in Holland at 4-10 % of patients with AIDS and is the illness - indicator for diagnostics of AIDS. The infection arises аэрогенно, however primary пульмональная the infection frequently proceeds бессимптомно. Soft brain environments and a brain are a place of primary localization just as предстательная iron, whence there can be relapses. Symptoms can vary from an easy headache up to a heavy clinical meningitis and комы. Подробнее...
Preventive maintenance. Disinfection нательного both bed-clothes during treatment and carrying out of preventive courses of treatment through 1-2 мес after the termination{ending} of treatment, using the same preparations, as for treatment, but applying them within 7-10 days. Подробнее...