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лечение гинетального герпеса

Кокцидиоидомикоз, эндемичный in a southwest the USA (Arizona, New Mexico and Texas), and бластомикоз, эндемичный in northern states USA, as the imported illnesses are observed very seldom. At 60-80 % of young people in the age of from 12 till 24 years are observed угри (or акне - acne) in this or that form. More than in one third of cases this disease demands serious, sometimes long treatment from the expert. According to psychological interrogation of 80 % of teenagers considers, that the most unattractive in the person is угревая a rash. Presence угревой a rash on seen sites of a leather{skin} considerably reduces a self-estimation, causes alarm, depression, дисморфофобию (representation about imaginary external ugliness). Patients with акне extremely difficultly adapt in the social environment, among them the big percent{interest} of jobless and lonely people. Подробнее...

Heterogeneity этиологии онихомикозов helps to explain cases of an inefficiency of lines about - тивогрибковых the means directed only or mainly against дерматофитов. In practice domestic дерматологов research on pathogenic mushrooms usually comes to an end microscopic research, and true этиологическая the structure онихомикоза thus is not always specified. It can explain the reason of an inefficiency many противогрибковых the means quite often appointed not under indications. Подробнее...