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юношеские угри герпес

The important factors promoting development the HELL, often respiratory diseases are also, presence at the sick centers of a chronic infection in a nasopharynx and an oral cavity is especial at early age. These illnesses promote formation of a bacterial sensitization and cause hyperproduction IgE. Direct dependence between a level of the general{common} IgE and presence of the centers of a bacterial infection is established. So, at patients with аллергодерматозами, having the centers of a chronic infection, a level of the general{common} IgE in 3 times is higher, than at children with allergic defeats of a leather{skin} without the centers of a chronic infection [4, 5, 10]. And most the sensitization to стафилококку and to mushrooms of sort Candida and Pityrosporum ovale is frequently marked. Presence of the centers of a chronic infection promotes persistent, рецидивирующему to current the HELL. Подробнее...

One of clinical forms of a candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} is the candidiasis сосков at feeding women. Clinical displays can be different: in area околососкового a mug the small center гиперемии, covered чешуйками white color; the center about a dummy with precise borders, мацерацией; between соском and околососковым a circle a crack with мацерацией on periphery, fine пузырьками. Подробнее...