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- Сексопатология

герпес тела

Lightning угри (acne fulminans) represent the rare and heavy form угревой illnesses. Disease arises more often at young men in the age of 13-18 years, suffering easy папулопустулезной, less often - узловатокистозной the form угрей, and is characterized by the sudden beginning, occurrence язвенно-некротических elements (mainly on a trunk) and the general{common} symptoms. Some authors consider{examine} acne fulminans as a sharp ulcer variant acne conglobata, however the majority of researchers count, that such form of disease is closest to гангренозной пиодермии. Этиология acne fulminans it is not quite clear. Assume, that in патогенезе illnesses play a role infectious - allergic or токсико-allergic mechanisms. It is known, that acne fulminans arises at patients with heavy chronic diseases (illness the Crone, ulcer колит, etc.) . At the same time, it is marked, that some patients before occurrence acne fulminans accepted antibiotics тетрациклинового lines, synthetic ретиноиды, андрогены. Подробнее...

Taking into account, that the candidiasis concerns to an opportunistic mycosis, first of all it is necessary to reveal and at an opportunity to remove pathogenetic factors of disease (research immune and эндокринного the status, a gastroenteric path and carrying out корригирующей therapies). In quality этиотропной therapies appoint антимикотики local and system action. At sharp forms of a superficial candidiasis of a leather{skin} and the mucous membranes which have especially arisen during antibacterial therapy of somatic diseases, ointments, вагинальных tablets are effective local антимикотические means as a solution, drops, a cream. Last 30 years at treatment of a candidiasis preparations азольного the lines, actions possessing a wide spectrum, and also полиеновые antibiotics, аллиламиновые the connections derivative циклопироксаламина are widely applied. Подробнее...