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герпес удетей

Inflammatory process in акне is caused usually special пропионобактериями, preferring bacon as a nutrient medium. Less often акне are infected стафилококком and other activators. At maturing акне the abscess is opened; if it{he} was big on his{its} place can be generated рубцы, finally strongly spoiling appearance. Подробнее...

The certain progress in understanding of mechanisms of development of an allergic inflammation opens new opportunities in development of pathogenetic methods of therapy the HELL. The multifactorial concept патогенеза the HELL and the revealed infringements at research of various bodies and systems prove application in therapy of patients of a wide spectrum of medical actions, some of which began to refer to traditional: гипоаллергенная a diet, дезинтоксикационные, антигистаминные, sedative, fermental, various external preparations [25]. Having studied modern approaches to therapy the HELL, and also made use of own experience received during long-term supervision over patients атопическим дерматитом, us has been produced and offered uniform algorithm of treatment the HELL which is based on stage-by-stage use of the following main principles: 1) primary preventive maintenance of a sensitization of patients (элиминационные modes); 2) knocking over of an aggravation of disease; 3) The control over a condition of an allergic inflammation (basic therapy); 4) correction of accompanying diseases; 5) correction иммунологических the infringements accompanying the HELL. Подробнее...