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герпес чесотка

The important criterion determining a choice of a system preparation, the spectrum of his{its} action is. In a spectrum of action the mushrooms allocated from struck nails should get. Therefore этиология онихомикоза, on the data культурального researches, it should be known to the doctor. If этиология some mushrooms are unknown or allocated, appoint the preparation of a wide spectrum including and дерматофиты, and mushrooms of sort Candida, and плесневые недерматофитные mushrooms. Подробнее...

Now in Germany about 4 million person suffer a diabetes. This disease frequently is complicated окклюзивным defeat of peripheral arteries, infringement of microcirculation and полинейропатией [17]. At полинейропатии the threshold of perception{recognition} of pressure and a pain that promotes development гиперкератоза, to formation{education} of callouses and deformation stops is reduced. If at a fungoid infection there is a destruction of the nail plate which is carrying out a role of "shock-absorber" the patient can have intolerable pain at pressure. Fungoid defeat of nails creates also threat of secondary infections, opening access to other microorganisms, for example, грамотрицательным to bacteria [18]. To warn a secondary bacterial infection, at patients with a diabetes treatment онихомикоза should be begun at presence of the slightest suspicion on a fungoid infection of nails. Подробнее...