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лечения цмв и герпеса

One of clinical forms of a candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} is the candidiasis сосков at feeding women. Clinical displays can be different: in area околососкового a mug the small center гиперемии, covered чешуйками white color; the center about a dummy with precise borders, мацерацией; between соском and околососковым a circle a crack with мацерацией on periphery, fine пузырьками. Подробнее...

The local form: after short (some hours) продромального the period accompanying with a local itch or гиперестезией, on a leather{skin} and mucous membranes appear single or grouped intense пузырьки in diameter up to 1,2 sm containing a transparent liquid, on отечном гиперемированном the basis. Высыпания are located on red кайме lips, in носогубном a triangle, less often on a mucous membrane of a mouth, a throat, конъюнктиве, at генитальной to the form - on mucous genitals and a leather{skin} ано-генитальной areas. Weak morbidity and increase регионарных lymph nodes is marked. Healing высыпаний occurs with 7 for 14 day. Relapses can arise some times in one year. For генитального a herpes typically spontaneous opening пузырьков and formation{education} of painful{unhealthy} superficial ulcers, rise in temperature, миалгии, weakness, дизурия. Подробнее...