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лазерная шлифовка кожи осложнения герпес

The significant amount of the lead{the carried out} researches testifies, that a parameter of prevalence a HELL, for the first time revealed in the childhood and further shown at adults, is in limits from 45 up to 60 %, and the risk of development further at them respiratory symptoms of an allergy makes 40-60 % (поллинозов - 41,5 %, seasonal rhinitises - 25 %, атопической asthmas - 25 %) [2]. It agrees to the data of official statistics, in Russia the HELL is diagnosed for the first time at 240-250 person on 100000 surveyed [3]. These data considerably surpass known earlier and confirm, that the HELL becomes the significant problem rising before public health services, in particular it concerns children and the young people which have been born after 1980[2]. Подробнее...

Treatment. Limited, sometimes and the widespread sharp forms of defeat of the smooth leather{skin}, especially developed during treatment by antibacterial preparations, as a rule, easily give in to treatment local антимикотическими means as a solution, a cream, ointments and can be resolved even without treatment after a cancellation of antibiotics. Подробнее...