лечение генетальный герпес
Almost 8 % of patients with тиреотоксикозом too suffer from генерализованного an itch. The itch stops after achievement as a result of treatment эутиреоидного conditions. The itch accompanying гипотиреоз, probably, is connected to dryness of integuments. Подробнее...
Last years in Europe significant growth of occurrence of fungoid infections of nails [1-3] which has accepted such scales is observed, that some experts speak about epidemic онихомикоза. According to last epidemiological researches, frequency of occurrence of fungoid infections at adults makes from 7 up to 15 % [4,5]. Fungoid defeats of the nails, kept long time and badly giving in to treatment, especially frequently meet at patients with a diabetes which creates favorable conditions for development of a fungoid infection [6]. At a diabetes the maintenance{contents} in blood of glucose which is used by mushrooms for metabolic processes [7] is raised{increased}. Besides at patients with a diabetes changes of large and fine vessels are frequently observed, is especial at absence of the adequate control гликемии for a long time [8]. One more risk factor - easing of protective forces of the organism, promoting development of infectious complications [9]. Trophic infringements finally result in chronic defeat of a leather{skin}, nails and a nervous fabric [10]. Fungoid defeats of nails at patients with a diabetes develop quickly and matter not only from the cosmetic point of view. Подробнее...