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наркомания алкоголизм

What the son or the daughter « means sit on a needle »? Any of parents which it has touched, will tell, that it is worse to not think up a trouble. Ломки, shouts at night, not clear aggression... The things Stolen from a house sold for nothing... The Doze, which is entered to the child to facilitate his{its} sufferings. Clinic, medicines, an extract. Emptiness in eyes. And then all all over again... The Narcotism is incurable. It is illness. But illness chronic. There are only two ways to avoid all circles of a hell. Or to convince the child never of a life to try this rubbish. Or to start to treat it{him} on a threshold of illness. Otherwise - death. Death without uniform chance of rescue. The teenager can hide long time "experiences" until his{its} condition will not worsen that becomes visible to the naked eye. However there is a lot some kind of physical markers which occurrence can serve as an occasion for alarm. In this sense observation will help you to pay to them attention in time, yet did not begin too late. Подробнее...

In a situation when the man to drink prestigiously (and is not necessary almost), and to the woman - it is shameful, lady who only began to be fond of alcoholic drinks, carefully enough hides this hobby. In general at women dependence is formed more often by a principle "alpha - алкоголизма" - we shall tell, ladies after work gather in " the small ladies' sincere company " in any cafe and pass{miss} on liqueur glass - other столового fault. After that the woman comes home - eyes at it{her} shine, she{it} all such cheerful, frequently more sexual, for domestic affairs undertakes more willingly... And so day by day. Such development of dependence, as against man's "scale - алкоголизма" - not so is evident; moreover, if also the husband drinks (drinks), without ceremony can and not унюхать, that from his{its} wife too smells slightly легонечко of alcoholic drinks. And it{he} will not think, that she{it} too "tipsy" - it{he} sees, that she{it} simply cheerful, cheerful, and in every possible way its{her} this behaviour encourages. And similar the year, two, three can last... While at the woman degradation of the person will not begin already. And when her{it} алкоголизм was evident by virtue of sharp personal and intellectual changes literally, - then everyone will tell: " Well it is necessary - as terribly when the woman drinks! And as quickly her{it} has knocked down - only some days (as they think) drink wine, and - began имбецилкой! " Подробнее...