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беременность и эпиляция

Dryness of a leather{skin} amplifies under action of some external factors: the sun, a wind, sea water, work at hot furnaces. To not overdry a leather{skin}, it is necessary to remember rules of hygienic care of it{her}. For example, it is impossible to wash regularly before an output{exit} on street, to be fond of excessively cosmetic procedures in which are used спиртовые solutions, powders, the whitewash bleaching ointments. Подробнее...

At a dry or normal leather{skin} use скрабом once a week. It is possible to subject the fat or mixed leather{skin} to this procedure little bit more often. As a rule, it is recommended to abstain from the given means at a sensitive leather{skin} or at plentiful угревой a rash. Nevertheless once a week you can cautiously process скрабом inclined to угрям a leather{skin} to clear time and to prevent высыпания. Подробнее...